Political gay bashing—it’s a good thing?

Brace yourself, poodles, here we go again. It seems some republican senator from Pennsylvanian has his panties in a bind at the thought of two men, or two women, consummating their state protected marriage in the keystone state.

According to LancasterOnline.com, State Senator Michael Brubaker, “is poised to introduce legislation that would write a ban on gay marriage into the state Constitution.” Brubaker’s aim, it would seem, is to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Currently the state doesn’t provide gays in the state an option like marriage or civil unions—in fact it already contains language defining marriage as a man-woman union. Mr. Brubaker must feel resolving this issue is of great urgency, and a threat the American way of life, to put it atop his political “to-do list” above such trivial topics as the failing economy or war in foreign countries. Local republicans must be so proud of him.

You know, we’ve been talking about gay marriage for awhile now, and the topic seems to have lost its teeth lately. There was a time that the mere suggestion homos and dykes, in a committed, loving relationship, be allowed to enjoy the same benefits as their straight counterparts would raise fur on necks and bring the claws out. But it seems to ruffle far fewer feathers nowadays.

So, I tip my hat to Mr. Brubaker. His misguided attempts to “protect marriage” may just be the kick-in-the pants the GLBT community needs, making him an unwitting accomplice in reinvigorating the conversation on this topic. At least we’ll be talking about it, and as Martha would say, “it’s a good thing.”

Love you. Mean it.

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Fifi LaBouche

Fifi has been bringing you fun, queer content from all over the web since 2007

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Fifi has been bringing you fun, queer content from all over the web since 2007

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