Justin Timberlake nude in his latest video?

No. We were disappointed too.

When we heard that Justin Timberlake’s new video “Tunnel Vision” was raising eyebrows for its nudity we thought, “Yes! Finally a chance to see our celebrity boyfriend dancing around naked.”

But, alas, it was all a terrible hoax. The nudity that has everyone so hot and bothered is the three lovely young women who writhe around on-camera in nothing but panties, while Justin himself is fully clothed. Too clothed, if you ask us. 

According to ABC News, YouTube had initially pulled the video off of Justin’s page, but has allowed it to remain up, citing exceptions for “artistic content.” Well, Fifi has a real problem with that. There seems to be no artistic, (or redeeming) qualities to this video whatsoever. In the song he claims to have “tunnel vision” for only one woman, yet there are three women prancing around, tits out, for his enjoyment. It seems his “vision” is to participate in an orgy with these three women. Let’s face it, only a mega star like Justin can get away with passing this crap off as “art.”

Don’t get me wrong, Poodles, Fifi has no problem with nudity. But this kind of “artistic content” is clearly a stereotypical objectification of women. The video itself is boring and has no visual narrative, the “dancing” is nothing more than overt sexual posturing, and the song is forgettable. If Justin had at least been as naked as the models in this video it may not have raised the artistic bar, but it would have brought him down to their level and put them all on even ground.

Go ahead and watch the video yourself. We squirmed through all seven minutes of it, feeling embarrassed for those poor women.

[youtube video_id=”07FYdnEawAQ” width=”640″ height=”360″ ]

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Fifi LaBouche

Fifi has been bringing you fun, queer content from all over the web since 2007

About Fifi LaBouche

Fifi has been bringing you fun, queer content from all over the web since 2007

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