Well Poodles, you knew it was inevitable. Weird Al has released his video for “Perform This Way,” a parody of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.” According to the Web site WeirdAl.com, his new album, Alpocalypse, will be released tomorrow (21 June 2011). We’re not sure which is more disturbing: that the parody is dead-on, or Al’s head digitally pasted onto a woman’s body. Either way we think it’s brilliant.
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[youtube video_id=”ss_BmTGv43M?rel=0″ width=”640″ height=”360″ ]
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Is it just us, or does Al in drag look an awfully like Jena from 30 Rock?
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And speaking of parodies, here’s one of our favorites “Neutraface,” an oldy but goody.
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[youtube video_id=”xHCu28bfxSI” width=”640″ height=”360″ ]